Linear Regression and Gradient Decent method to learn model of Linear Regression.

 Linear Regression

To design Machine learning Model  following steps are important

                        1. Collection of data 

                        2. Cleaning of Data    

                        3. Divide data into Training and Testing

                        4. Model Building

                                    1. Training of Network

                                    2. Testing of Network

5.      Validation  of Neural Network


For model building Choice of Algorithm is very important. Machine learning models are used  

either for Regression (to predict the continuous value) or classification(divide data into group)

Table shows use of particular machine learning algorithm



Ø  Linear Regression


Ø  Logistic Regression


Ø  Naïve Bayes


Ø  K-Nearest Neighbors


Ø  Decision Tree

Classification, Regression

Ø  Random Forest

Classification, Regression

Ø  Support Vector Machine

Classification, Regression


Classification, Regression

Ø  Deep Learning

Classification, Regression

Linear regression: Machine Learning Algorithm 

Variables in Linear regression

Independent variable

Ø  If X is input numerical variable then X is called the independent variable or predictor.It is input of the model. All Features /Co-variant are independent variable 

Dependent Variable

Ø  If Y is output numerical variable. Y is also called the dependent variable or response variable. It Output of a model

Machine learning models are built to derive the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variable. 

It predicts a continuous dependent variable based on values of the independent variable in case of Linear Regression

Ø  Linear regression is Supervised Learning. It predicts Relationship between dependent and an independent variable which is  linear

Ø  E.g Income*Expenditure, Chocolate* Cost, CGPA* placement package etc.

Ø  The output is a function to predict the dependent variable on the basis of the values of independent variables

Ø  A straight line is used to fit the data

 Dependent and Independent Variable plot shows X-axis is an Independent variable and Y-axis is a Dependent variable

  Linear regression is a simple approach to supervised learning.In the table, AREA is the independent     variable and cost of flat is the dependent variable                                    

Linear Relation –In a graph stress test is the independent variable and blood pressure is the dependent variable. The graph shows their is a linear relationship between dependent and Independent variable

For linear regression linear correlation is required. What is correlation?

▪X and Y can exist in three different types of relations

They can also exist in a weak relation – 

Correlation –

Ø  Correlation is a statistical technique that predicts whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related.

Ø  The main result of a correlation is called the correlation coefficient (or "r"). It ranges from -1.0 to +1.0. The closer r is to +1 or -1, the more closely the two variables are related.

Ø  If r is close to 0, it means there is no relationship between the variables

Ø  If r is positive, it means that as one variable gets larger the other gets larger

Ø  If r is negative, it means that as one gets larger the other gets smaller (often called an "inverse")


Correlation –

Equation of Linear Regression –

Let paired data points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), . . , (xn yn),

 Y = β0 + β1 * X

β0 , β1    are the coefficient

X   Independent variable

Y   Dependent variable

Types of Linear Regression –

Ø  Linear Regression

                                    Y = β0 + β1 * X

Ø  If two or more explanatory variables have a linear relationship with the dependent variable, the regression is called a Multiple Linear Regression

                            Y = β0 + β1 * X +β2 * X2+ β3 * X3+……+ βm * Xm


Example of Multiple Linear Regression –

Ø  Weather Forecasting

Ø  Water demand of city (population, economy, water losses and water restrictions)

Ø  Healthcare (Malaria Prediction)

 Gradient Decent –

Optimize the value of the coefficient by iteratively. Minimize error of the model on the data

1)      Start with random value of each coeffiient

2)      Sum of squared error is calculated for each pair of input and output values

3)      Learning rate is used as a scaler factor

4)      Coefficient are in the direction  updated towards minimizing error

5)      Process is repeated until minimum squared error is achieved and further improvement

Summary –

Ø  To predict a continuous dependent variable based on value of independent variable

Ø  Dependent variable is always continuous

Ø  Least square

Ø  Y= β0+ β1 * X --Straight line: Best fit curve

Ø  Linear relation between I and D

Ø  Predicted output

Ø  Business prediction



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