WHY DEEP NEURAL NETWORK: Difference between neural network and Deep neural network
WHY DEEP NEURAL NETWORK : Difference between neural network and Deep neural network . Labeled data set is the prime requirement of Supervised learning . As a . massive data is generated every day, AI Projects are innovated with rapid speed and choice of the algorithm is a critical issue: Choice of the algorithm depends 1. Number of data sets (samples) and attributes in that data set.(Dimensions of input and output). 2 . Linearity and non-linearity in that data set 3 Performance. Neural Network or Deep Learning: Algorithmic steps of neural network are 1. Need to decide Architecture of NN i.e.Number of hidden layers and number of units in that hidden layer. 2. Apply training algorithm by Deciding hyperparameters like, Transfer function, No of iteration, learning rate etc to train the network. ...
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